Now time mask car and does not forget to mask them that You do not want painted not leaving no mask of the hovering the car, which must become the paint in respect of good functioning(working). The Main idea integer this is because to produce the best paint a quality possible with given by ambience, this preferred that You have a booth of the paint, but if no, make sure that area, which You use to execute work is extreme clean and free dust.
After car will is disguised time to prepare in aerosol introduction, once again make sure that You clean your ambience, its best whole have certain water on floor to keep dust downwards as soon as You will be certain that area clean;scratch;peel, then You may begin to check the spray gun to be certain that they clean;scratch;peel. This - same important step particularly if they - not your guns, dirty guns will do ugly functioning(working) the paint for wasting of the whole your time there.
Now that You have defined that guns of the paint clean;scratch;peel, make sure that your respirator - in well worker order. Now be certain that you have all products that You it is necessary to execute functioning(working) the introduction to car. You it is necessary introduction, converter and catalyst, You will also it is necessary strainer, stir the stick and measuring device.
This best not to must leave the booth of the paint in a certain time that your soil car. The Converter falls into the other temperature and You it is necessary to know that what rate best for your working conditions.
The Rates - as follows, their - a high rate, which is intended to dry slow when this hot in the field of where your work, high rate good for 80 degrees and on, their also average rate, this probably the most popular rate used this is to the best advantage used from 55 before 80 degrees and is intended to dry quicker to compensate the colder rate, because of entering the fact will work in cool weather easier. Now us have a low converter of the rate this dry exceedingly slow consequently for presenting the introduction best chance to work. I report you all this in an effort to help You better to understand the products that You lay with, more You know better armed You - for problems when they happen.
Now time entering booth of the paint, and as You call attention to filter of the booth and will be certain that they certainly clean also. Now get your can introduction and read the instructions on side, usually mix - 4:1 or 4 introductions of a parts that one converter of a part and cap or two from catalyst and for the best results follow these instruction. After You aerosol first coat introduction, you will need expect 15 at 20 minutes previously, than You may aerosol following and so on, way I love to do this must give the workspace of the body coat or two first to build him on. Aiming reason, which we use introduction - must give the paint fluent surface to adhere to and give the metal certain protection from element, it - usually good idea to get 4 or 5 good coats in car.
If You really serious about way to which You want that this looked You could want to take introduction one measure hereinafter and uses picklinged introduction before You aerosol urethane or entering the epoxy, picklinged introduction will give the upper coat simply trace to adhere. The Pickling of the introduction has not building quality there for this be not used for smoothing of the waves in your work, but this will do the stick of the introduction to stand out better.
I remind that You always used introduction urethane,and do not lacquer the type,as varnish can and will reduce urethane or epoxy is recommended for best result. The Epoxy is same hard introduction to sand but she exceedingly hard, and urethane - I think probably your best choice since this is high built and light processing sand, their - much marks to choose from, I use DuPont euro itself but this - all up to You to choose this.
Now that your card - primed, time removing mask, and I love to do this then so much for else small wet as a matter of convenience, simply will very careful about that, as You do this, You do not want to break them that good work, so simply takes this slows and easy when pulling the mask of your car.
(Processing sand)
Well now hard part - here, previously, than You start in sand car You want to be certain that this was managament was covered, this will do this easier for You to get the extreme fluent end. Its where we delete the form a boy mans if your attempt to do the end of the show in car this your painting, You want sand this manually with water, working at this whole time.
This - a hard part,and you will have a lazy people, which want to use the machine to do this, this - simply word on wise, You выделяете best management on block of the hand. The Best way to produce this type of the high-quality work must have best management on this that You may, offten machine will get through your introduction. If your attempt to produce work a quality show this must mean the soil this area once again THAT IS TO SAY more time was spent, this - time, which could be spended best making other thing.
Now I explain little about which coat managament, this this in nut-shell. The Coat managament is a right of the step after car was primed, You should do this previously, than You pull mask that this in tail - misting light coat of the black paint on introduction that You may see the low points in your work, and no matter how well You not, you will have a low point. The Idea for this - in song all coat managament with passing in metal in your car.
Now time begin actual processing sand car, You it is necessary to pay the rapt attention to be described in detail in this part of the functioning(working) the paint, the best You sand this, the best this will look. I usually begin with 320 wet papers to hardness on average hard block, this hardness good coat for reception managament iron, their will (the testament) most likely, will little small low points, which will require or filler of the point or more introduction. This - one of that areas where You it is necessary to turn small attention to detail, here you will need look at depth of the low point and think about this, as low level this is one filler of the introduction this, or this will take filler of the point and then introduction.
Now that You have terminated this part a time to move to following hardness of the paper, I usually move to 400 hardness on average- hard processing sand block thence, You do not want to address to far since this can leave the form of the scratches preceding hardness of the paper so word on wise, does not get in a hurry and addresses to far as soon as this will leave the visible scratches in your work. After You have polished sand whole car with 400 wet papers to hardness then check this for clean metal and coat managament still there.
Aiming idea with processing sand must do introduction to look the way, which You want that paint looked, I sand my introduction while beside it not to have fluent shining end on this, as it is woke;waked this was a paint in car.
You it is necessary to have a vision that as You want, this to look, one thing that, You it is necessary to know, -, than better, You want that this looked, more so You pay for material. Simply word cheap paint material of the warning - simply exactly that cheap!!!!! and do not use their if You want get prettier functioning the paint.
You could save some money but You do not save the agony crappy, observing functioning the paint. Think about this previously, than You will go and bathe cheap introduction and paints, do Me to love my car or this simply some turd to pop me to work and old ladies and if You love your car, then do not do to place cheap shitty on this.
Now that I am through with its small lecture in low product quality, time to move to following processing sand step. With 400 hardness, which I usually address to 600 wet papers to hardness, this - where I usually stop unless ask to go one more at a walk, this - really insofar, You it is necessary to go with processing sand. After You terminate with 600 hardness to do one final checking the work before clearing this.
Well now time clean car, for this exact soap of the use and water, simply like washing the car orderly. You should blow this dries all-, this main difference between this and regular functioning(working) the laundry, does not forget to blow whole water from small rifts in car, like area of the hood, under hood, between door and in lid of the bus. Believe me this will add a little more water in your paint during actual painting of the car so be much through about this step.
If You miss some and this happens to become in your paint during spraying the process, which this will be a bladder paint, paint will look terrible so remember to get whole water from car first.
Now this must masquerade for actual paint, for this refer to top of this page. The Mask of the right is an art and You better take this part very serious if You want get prettier work.
Now that You have disguised your car a time placed this in booth of the paint, hopefully this - a temperature operated by booth, in any event when You roll this car in booth all You should be able to do, - clean and aerosol, once again previously, than You have placed your car in booth to make sure that this extreme clean in there and ready to go.
Now make sure that you have all You it is necessary in there to paint the car THAT IS TO SAY paint, converter, catalyst, stir the stick, strainer and stir the stick and measure of the stick. Once again check your respirator and wake certain that this lays it is correct, connect;join your hair and if you have a beard covers your person.
Posleduyte for all instruction on back of the paint can literally or this could cause the problems with come of your paint.
Now that you have a car in booth, do not forget to redouble to check the mask on this that You search for, here - a perfection and nothing less.
This means all this if You do not want to is painted must be disguised certainly, their not - no place for mistake here. Now You it is necessary to take a look at supply with which You should do work, and equipment he to be certain that you have all You it is necessary to terminate work, the last thing, which You it is necessary, must find that you have no something right in medium painting car. Here is list which You it is necessary for working.
List of the Supply
1) Paint 2) Glue 3) Converter 4) Catalyst
5) Fabrics Buttons, preferably designed for clear coat 6) Measuring Cups 7), Stir Stick 8) Measuring Stick 9) Strainer 10) Respirator
Now I give to You several things to think about if your painting with metallic paint, then You should turn to select attention to situation in your gun of the paint. The Metallic paints rushes to get the cigarette-lighter if pressure goes on and dark if it goes downwards, your fluid flow and ventilator in your gun will also produce this.
Now I give to You main mix of the diagram, majority of the paints watches for this diagram.
1) prepare your paint to pour.
2) make sure that your mix of the cup purely.
3) Get your strainer and sticks.
4) Strainer on top measuring cups.
5) Now pay the rapt attention on level of the paint in cup.
Paint the Mix of the Table. Always do not forget to read and follow the production of the paint, mixing lines managament. This mix factor - simply main idea which to do, belongings will change with the other production.
Recommended Air Pressure In Head of the Gun. The Factors of the Mix of the Paint. The Product of the Paint.
25-40 4:1:1 Base Coat of the Mix PSI 25-40 Mixes PSI 4:1:1 Skleyka 25-40 4:1:1 Clear Coat of the Mix PSI 25-40 Coats 2:1:1 Entering the Mix PSI
When use the gun of the paint, You try to reach the certain sample of the aerosol without any heavy or light the area, on diagram sample above You should try to reach the sample (A).
Now section in the corner guns. Their - only two corners you should ever need to use at keeping of the spray gun, and they - 45 and 90 corners of the degree on surface of the car, which You sprinkle, these corners will give You best result possible, and also You should try to keep the spray gun from 6 before 8 inches from your work. If You get vastly closer You will more, than probable reason running in paint and, more distance and You get the dry glance in your working the paint, You also it is necessary to get to be felt for velocity with which You it is necessary to move the gun according to air pressure and fluid flow of the gun. ... Read More..