Types of the Places
The First question, which must be question on - what is a - a place of the right for your child? Here is bases about the other types of the places and some their features.
Back-facing, early-only place. For infant 5 in 20 pounds; some place will attack in 22 pounds. These have a handle, which allows You to take the infant with You, then break the place in or frame or sidercar. Much models also to have a withdrawable base, which remains the car, allowing You to break easy the car place in not to fool around with belt of safety. Much it is important that place was angular it is correct to protect the infant (45 degrees) so some place come with pointer of the corner and built-in fixative of the corner. Also поищите fixatives harness and systems of support of the head. Little early cars seats now to come bound in node sidercar and can conk in them (named "Systems of the Journey"). Personally, I prefer the Universal Early Car Carrier of the Place made Kolcraft or Baby Direction Snap-n-Go. They compatible with majority by early places and have less volume and weight than systems of the journey, but will not send You past early stage.
The Converted place, which can face rearward or forward. For children, 20 in 40 pounds; some models Britax go up to 65 pounds. According to American Academy of Pediatrics, You should save your child back-facing while he not will at least once be one summer and reached the most upper weight or heights допущенных by manufacturer of the place (check managament). In this point, You should become the safe revenge forward-facing and do following three installations before installing:
* Move the strap in upper slots or as they are described in instruction of the manufacturer. The Strap must be in or on your shoulder child. Check your instructions on presence of any additional information on accomodation strap, which can be specific for your car safe place.
* Move the car safe place in direct position. (Check the instructions of the manufacturer on presence to recline the corner when forward-facing.)
* Direct the belt to safety through "band way" chosen for forward-facing.
The Place to Combinations, which can be used by harness or as booster. They keep the child, fluctuating at least once one years and from 20 before 100 pounds (the weight depends on models). Sometimes named child/booster sits down, this forward-facing recaro car seats can change with five indicate the harness on place of the band positioning the booster. Will Sound practical. But in August 2004, Consumer Messages valued ensemble 2004 car places model and found little amazing results: band managament shoulder on some places could disturb the belt to be embroilled it is correct in damages. The Single place to combinations, which he could recommend, was a Booster Cosco Summit High-Back. This must not speak whole combination, place inherently bad Consumer Messages only tested three.
The Places of the Booster. Will Keep the child with 30-100 pounds, depending on models. Also see our article: "Place of the Booster: Poboritesi with Good Fight." The Children must not move from full harness on place of the booster while they are not reached upper weight or height allowed the car manufacturer of the place. High-boosters are intended for in car without the main of the rest or high sit down. They - also good idea if your child tries to fall asleep on place, or if belt to safety still does not be fixed it is correct with booster backless. Avoid the boosters of the screen together.
The Built-in Places (Built-in). Most Volvo and built-in booster minivans offers Chrysler/Dodge or place child as factory options. This certainly does the life easier, all You it is necessary be checked carefully with manufacturer to see what weight, get old and restrictions of the height exist. These place will send the federal safe tests, but Kraysler had some problems with mechanism of the versions of the places in the last '90s.
Always bathe the new place if You may. If You want to use the friend used place, make sure that this - less than six years and that You know its history. (Was this in damages?) You may test for presence of the restored models in put Web National Motion to Safe Administration Freeway (NHTSA). The Cheque restored early car place/sidercars combos in Safe Commission of the Consumer Product.
What is a BLOCKING?
In 2001, the federal law began to require the new car places and majority of the machine that BLOCKING the feature, or more low Anchor and Tether for Detey. If both childs sit down and car is equipped by BLOCKING, there is no need to use the belt to safety. BLOCKING expects to do installation easier but sometimes do this more it is difficult. (See article "Meetings Thick.") The User Reports discovered that equiped place of the BLOCKING were often difficult to install and sometimes executed somewhat less successfully in their test of the damages than that attached safe belt of the machine. Go the numeral. Considering that majority of the people, used belt to safety of the machine to install the car places to do so wrong, all-, BLOCKING - still rather good bet.
THE JOININGS of the BLOCKING fall into hard and not-hard. Usually, hard that are considered the most light to install ( simple "snub and goes") and version, but the other laying and accomodation of the anchors of the BLOCKING can do installation impossible. Besides, this completely depends on which model of the car place and machines You install this v. And do not disturb: Buying the car nONLOCKING place - still wholly fine. You may do corresponding to installation without this.
Other Factors to Consider
The Place will grow with your child? What is a limits of the manufacturer for height child and weight? If You have, or expect that have, child on big side (much infants - 20 pounds before their first daytime births, for instance), make sure to choose the place, which has a more high limits.
This will install in your current or future car? You Install You car places in your current car or buy the car with childrens in wit, will assign themselves several questions.
* - a lower apartment of the place it is enough to allow the car place to be fixed cosily? Maintaining in little sportsmanlike cars can do this it is difficult for places to sit to apartment.
* The Belt allow You to provide your place a child it is correct? The Band accomodation can do this it is difficult to get the place comfortable in some machine, even some place BLOKIROVKI. - a belt to safety receptacle unbending plastic part, which can do this easier to install the place of the booster with one hand, or this at the end liberally moveable band band? Does the углом in which belt to safety receptacle is planned from elite functioning the place with car revenge, or against this?
* There is it is enough clearance for back-facing recaro car seat in backseat? For buyers of the compact cars (VW Jetta, Mazda 3, Focus of the Ford, etc.), this could be an issue.
* There is it is enough legroom for more old детей in front facing the places, or they will always beat back of your place? (One of our editor had this problem in Forester Subaru, which marketed as household-friend.)
* To be a certain car place will be fixed it is correct in your machine, tries to install this previously, than You bathe this. Try this in all other position, which he could go, particularly average revenge. The Average places is not equipped BLOCKING. Back-early places of the facing are usually cleaned in this position, but more old child it is necessary both belt shoulder and knee. Use the standard a belt to safety of the installation (not-BLOCKING) for average places if your safe place child specifically does not communicate otherwise.
* Take into account before which third row of the place of any machine exceedingly difficult for any adult to reach, and is to the best advantage left in crowd of the place of the booster if possible.
The Features for adult. Make sure the place to be light be used. The Weight and handles on early places can be other as him to feel when You carry this? Try to open and closing grip harness on place to see as they work. A Certain European prototypes, like Britax, can come with which is named blocking "tasks", where two parts must be united like jigsaw to successfully provide the child. Evropeycy consider this safe feature, but also enough it is difficult for majority of the people be used. If each except You (such as, nanny or worker of the kindergarten), must fasten your child on his(its) place, puzzle blocking can much get angry.
The Features for children. As soon as You will hear what type of the place, which You want, You may also search for the features, which do the ridings more comfortable or amusing for children. For instance, - a harness easy to open and be closed, or this will take whole day? Can child open this itself? (The Bad sign.) The Harness has any filling to protect your small if and when car sits on sun and a part of the metal become hot? (Ouch!) - a bands comfortable for your child? Does the combination or place of the booster has cupholders, armrest or bag for child? - a panel of the place big it is enough to provide the laying during long trip?
Finally if after, You choose the place and install this, your child not sensibly comfortable, problem can not be your child, this could simply be a revenge. This surprises as children otherwise on the other place. In spite of installation harness, one size exactly does not install all. So previously, than You will do this aquisition, ask boot that what inverse policy. Consider this collation loves this could take several tries previously, than You will find " one." ...