Troubleshooting auto transmission

There are some words in language auto repair which force to wish to creep automobile owners back in an engine support, and "drive" - above the list. There is something about that mysterious box under your car which incites fear. Unfortunately, the majority of shops of repair knows it, and exploits a situation, reaching deeply in your pocket.
Before you transfer your keys and the check without a designation of the sum, repeat in the simple end of automatic transmissions. If something will be seriously wrong, then you will be armed by sufficient knowledge to avoid to be requested the excessive price, superrestored or straight lines broken. It is sometimes easy to diagnose problems of an automatic transmission.

Your transfer - the remarkable artful invention. Anyhow it can move, your car from connect with the mechanism, knowing as quickly you should go and as quickly you should reach there. That proceeds, inside - secret to most of all. If your thirst of automobile knowledge does not border persuasive, you can leave it secret. Bases will be enough to have intellectual (which translates to " not gathering to be broken "), conversation with your mechanic.
The basic Parts of Transmission
While there are many, many small parts inside, your transfer is in essence made of several key parts of systems.
Bell Housing: It is the generated metal case of a cone which you can see when you have looked under your car. If you have the car of the forward engine of a wheel, it jams on the party of the engine under a hood.
If your car will be with a rear wheel drive tranmission it will be established under the car behind of the engine.
Drives: Even that you do not move them, the automatic transmission has drives. They are broken in final drives and planetary drives. You require all of them be able to move.
Liquid: the liquid of Drive is very important for an automatic transmission. All magic happens in a liquid. The majority of cars goes with a red liquid of drive, good that the nobility, whether you search for escape.
The filter: All that liquid should be pure for your car to move drives to necessary time. To hold things new, your drive has the filter to catch any gunk.
Now, when you know a little that happens in there, you can try to find out, why your drive is capricious, or at least to understand that your mechanic speaks about while it tries to transform your account into its new fishing boat.
Problems of drive fall in two very similar categories:
Will not go.
Will not go smoothly
These two groups of problems are caused by the same failures in your drive so by what your car does, the following is applied.
Your fluid level is correct?
It is important to check up your liquid of drive at least two times a year. Not only that the low level of a liquid can force to move your car badly, it can lead finally to damage of drive, and expensive repair. If your car, apparently, loses a liquid on the regular base, you can have escape.
Your drive filters?
Check of escape so does not try, as it can seem. Drive - the closed system, thus is only a few places which can allow to flow. If it has not been changed to a unpainted liquid, your car will have a red liquid of drive.
Here - some places to check up for escapes:
In a basis of a tube of a filling agent.
In a bleed holder under drive.
Between drive and the engine.

In a shaft of the selector - a rod which connects your gear shift to drive.
The speed sensor establishing item. It or will be your screwing a cable in a gearbox housing or the electronic gauge bolted to a housing.
Radiator. If your car has a refrigerator of drive, probably, that escape will force a liquid of drive to filter into a liquid of a radiator. They do not mix up well, thus you will see, that it floats around in there.
Your filter is clogged?
The registrar of your drive vital for its performance data. If you have not replaced your filter in while (or ever for a plenty from us), be convinced, that have made it before you start to speak about, restores or replacements.
In Shop
The majority of problems of drive cannot be established by the average owner of the car independently making repair. There are only too many specialized tools and parts of the equipment, which you will require, and buying this expensive drive only to screw your first three attempts at installation of a thing only has no too a plenty of sense.
Now, when you - before a firing command, has come to depress time of a few knowledge concerning yours to establish is a guy. Tell to it that performance of the car. Then tell to it, that you have learned, when you have inspected drive. If there is an escape, inform it where and how many filters.
Time for reducing?
When your drive is tired enough, you should restore it. It is true. As the some people do also car models, it is truly a little too frequent, but it neither here, nor there. The important thing checks any other possible reasons to your problem before you dismantle drive which is very expensive.
If you have not replaced your filter nevertheless, make it! It establishes good percent from problems of drive. If your filter is good, and anything idle time not outside of regulation, to be ready to depress some serious dough on reducing. Good news - that - the addressee of a guarantee of shops drive restores the majority of the person for good time. A small consolation as your delivery of a credit card, but at least you know, that it will be established, and stay is established.
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